12-12-2018, 02:02 PM
Geospatial information technologies have their roots primarily in three distinct areas: geosciences, computational technologies, and information science.
The three partner sites represent centers of excellence in these areas, recognized at the European and global levels.
The geoscientific and quantitative foundations of Geoinformatics at Münster, the computer science and technology skills taught at Castellón, and the mathematical and statistical methodologies emphasized in Lisbon complement each other in an ideal way to provide a rounded, but compact education in this interdisciplinary technological field.
The composition is a complementary approach of the partners’ different research and educational profiles in an area where each partner is a leader in their own country and recognized internationally.
The Masters Program has been selected within the Erasmus Mundus Program of the European Commission (2007-0064/001 FRAME MUNB123), re-selected for five further editions starting in 2012 (FPA-2012-0191), and again re-selected for three further editions starting in 2017 (grant agreement 2016-2054).
The three partner sites represent centers of excellence in these areas, recognized at the European and global levels.
The geoscientific and quantitative foundations of Geoinformatics at Münster, the computer science and technology skills taught at Castellón, and the mathematical and statistical methodologies emphasized in Lisbon complement each other in an ideal way to provide a rounded, but compact education in this interdisciplinary technological field.
The composition is a complementary approach of the partners’ different research and educational profiles in an area where each partner is a leader in their own country and recognized internationally.
The Masters Program has been selected within the Erasmus Mundus Program of the European Commission (2007-0064/001 FRAME MUNB123), re-selected for five further editions starting in 2012 (FPA-2012-0191), and again re-selected for three further editions starting in 2017 (grant agreement 2016-2054).
The EU will granted ~ 19 Category A scholarships for Partner Countries Students and ~ 2 Category B scholarships for a Programme Country Student. for the editions 2017, 2018, and 2019 (number of scholarships to be confirmed).
Application for scholarships: January 15, 2017/2018/2019
Start of the Masters program: beginning of September, 2017/2018/2019
Start of the Masters program: beginning of September, 2017/2018/2019
Please notice that applicants may not apply to more than three Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses in the same year. Furthermore, applicants may not have received an Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree (EMJMD), Erasmus Mundus Master Course (EMMC) or Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate (EMJD) scholarship in the past.
Note: applicants having benefited from an Erasmus Mundus Action 2 Partnership scholarship are eligible to apply for an EMJMD scholarship.
Programme country and partner country students means in the context of an Erasmus Mundus grant:
- Students whose citizenship is one of the Erasmus+ Partner Countries (EU Member States and further programme countries) count as Partner Country students.
- Partner Country students who are not residents nor have carried out their main activity (studies, training or work) for more than a total of 12 months over the last five years in any Programme Country are considered as Partner Country students. The five-year reference period for this 12-months rule is calculated backwards as from the submission deadline (January 15, 2017/2018/2019) of applying for an EMJMD student scholarship.
- Students whose citizenship is one of the Erasmus+ Programme Countries count as Programme Country students. Students with a Partner Country citizenship who do not fulfil the Partner Country criteria defined above (12-months rule) count as Programme Country students.
- Students holding an Erasmus Mundus scholarship must spend their study period in at least two of the consortium partner countries. These two countries must be different from the country in which the scholarship holder has obtained his/her last university degree.
- Important for residents of Portugal, Germany, Spain: Contribution to subsistence costs must NOT be given to scholarship holders for the EMJMD periods (study /research /placement /thesis preparation) spent in their country of residence.
- Students with a double nationality (of a Partner and of a Programme Country) must specify the nationality under which they submit their scholarship application.
- A student, who has been accepted to register or is registered in an Erasmus Mundus Masters Course already is NOT eligible for a scholarship application.
- A partner country student, who has not finished his/her first higher education degree until the application deadline (January 15, 2017/2018/2019), is NOT eligible for a scholarship application. A programme country student, who has fulfilled 150 credit points of a Bachelor degree will be accepted provisionally, if he/she provides the degree diploma/certificate until July 15, 2017/2018/2019.
Further information at:
Scholarships for the three-semesters Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree (EMJMD) are:
- Contribution to travel, installation and all other types of costs:
- 1 000 € per year per scholarship holder resident in a Programme Country for travel costs (2.000 € in total), OR
- 2 000 € per year for travel costs + 1 000 € for installation costs for scholarship holder resident in a Partner Countrywhose location is situated at less than 4.000 km from the EMJMD coordinating university (5.000 € in total), OR
- 3 000 € per year for travel costs + 1 000 € for installation costs for scholarship holder resident in a Partner Countrywhose location is situated at 4.000 km or more from the EMJMD coordinating university (7.000 € in total).
- 1 000 € per year per scholarship holder resident in a Programme Country for travel costs (2.000 € in total), OR
- Subsistence costs of 1.000 € per month, 18.000 € in total. Important for residents of Portugal, Germany, Spain: Contribution to subsistence costs must NOT be given to scholarship holders for the EMJMD periods (study /research /placement /thesis preparation) spent in their country of residence.
- Coverage of tuition fees of 3.500 € per semester, 10.500 € in total for Partner Country students, respectively tuition fees of 1.500 € per semester, 4.500 € in total for Programme Country students
- Insurance package, i.e., health insurance.
The scholarship is a full scholarship, meant to cover ALL costs (e.g., tuition fees, travelling, visa costs, accommodation, living expenses, etc.). There will be no further funding.
The study program requires that students provide appropriate laptop computers (laptop with an Intel I3 processor (or similar) with 4Gb of RAM and 200 Gb of HD.). Those students granted by the Erasmus Mundus program who do not possess an appropriate laptop must buy one from the ERASMUS scholarship before starting the study program. If necessary, UJI and UNL can facilitate the procurement.
Erasmus Mundus Masters consortia will ensure that selected students meet the definition established above. Non-compliance may lead to the cancellation of the scholarship awarded to a student.
Without prejudice to the respect of high academic standards, in order to ensure a geographical balance across students, Erasmus Mundus Masters consortia shall respect the basic criterion that no more than 3 of the selected students should come from the same country.
The basis of all scholarship contracts is the contract between the European Commission and the University of Münster. This contract (2016-2054) is an integrated part of the grant contracts. No responsibility is taken for the correctness of the information above. The only legally binding documents are the grant contracts.
Further information about the Erasmus Mundus Program of the European Commission:
Scholars (= guest professors) are expected to support the Masters program at the three sites, i.e., by teaching. Scholars might be of any nationality and residence except that one of the hosting university. The three universities provide 4 scholarships of 5.000 € each for a period of 1-2 months,
- at UJI and UNL in the winter semester (starting in September) in the year of the application deadline
- at WWU in July/August in the year AFTER the application deadline.
Scholar Forum, Where scholars meets