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Categorization of Norwegian University

Group A (privileged)

1.Norwegian University of
Life sciences
2. The Norwegian University of Science & Technology (NTNU)
3. The University of Agder
4. The University of Bergen
5. The University of Oslo
6. The University of Stavanger
7. The University of Tromsø

Group B (fine)

1. University of Nordland
2. The University College of Southeast Norway (Buskerud and Vestfold University College and Telemark University College from the merger of two universities)
3.The Oslo School of Architecture and Design 4. BI Handelshoyskolen
5. Model University College-Academic Science in Logistics
6. Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration (NHH)
7. Norwegian School of Sport Sciences (NIH)
8. Norges musikkhogskola
9. Thematic Menighetsfakultet (Theology)
10. GUC-Hogskolen I Gjovik
11. Hedmark University College
12. Narvik University College
13. Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences
14. KHiB-Kunsthogskolen I Bergen
15. Fine Art in Oslo

Group C (Medium)

1. Harstad University College
2. Lillehammer University College
3. Hogskolen I Nesna
4. Nord-Trøndelag University College
5. Sogn og Fjordane University College
6. Hogskolen Stord / Haugesund
7. Sor-Trondelag University College
8. Volda University College
9. Stfold University College
10. Aalesund University College
11. Sami College (Sami Sanctuary)

Group D (weak)

1. Campus Kristiania School, Oslo
2. Diakonhjemmet University College, Oslo
3. Queen Maud University College, Trondheim
4. Norwegian School of Information Technology (NITH), Oslo
5. NLA University College, Bergen
6. Archive Academy, Oslo
7. Hogskulen for agricultural and rural development, KLepp
8. Norwegian Children's Institute, Oslo
9. Rudolf Steiner University College, Oslo
10. Scandinavian School of Management, Stavanger
11. Penmanship Academy in Hordaland, Bergen
12. Westerdals School of Communication, Oslo
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